Free delivery to all of UK Mainland

When you place an order with us at Cardys you will receive a confirmation email so you know your order has gone through, your order is then passed on to our packing team who will find your product to be labelled and sent out as soon as possible. Once the order has been processed and packed up for sending out you will then receive another email notifying you that your order has been dispatched. Free shipping to all orders to Mainland UK.

Currently we are unable to ship products over 6kg or volumetric weight of 32KG (61cm x 46cm x 46cm) to Northern Ireland and Scottish Highlands, please do not worry our checkout process will not allow your order to go through if you are in these areas and we are unable to delivery to you.

How long will my delivery take?

All orders made before 1pm will be sent out the same day that they are ordered, every product page states whether the item will be 1-2 working days delivery or if the delivery will take 2-3 working days. These delivery times are different due to the two courier services we use to get your parcel to you.

 What services do we use?

-Royal Mail

All small parcels that have a weight of 6KG or less or any parcels under the volumetric weight of 32KG (61cm x 46cm x 46cm) will be sent out using Royal Mails Tracked 48 hour service and will be delivered in 2-3 business days this option is free delivery. There is also an option to pay a flat fee of £2.00 to upgrade your delivery to Royal Mail Tracked 24 1-2 working days if ordered before 1pm Mon-Fri.

-DHL Parcel UK

Any parcels weighing more than 6KG or over the volumetric weight of 32KG (61cm x 46cm x 46cm) will be sent out using DHL's Premier 24 hour next day service and will reach you 1-2 working days if ordered before 1pm Mon-Fri, this delivery option is free.


-Questions or Requirements

If you have any special requirements for delivery such as needing it to be left down an alley or with a neighbour please contact as prior to or just after making your order so we can ensure we can fulfil your requirement you can contact as at ""

In some rare cases scheduled deliveries may need to be cancelled or rearranged for some of the following reasons and may halt us from meeting certain obligations. If this does ever happen we will aim to have this sorted and rescheduled as soon as possible 

  • If the product ordered becomes unavailable 
  • If it is identified that there is a product description or pricing error
  • If customers do not reach any order criteria outlined in the Terms & Conditions
  • If our couriers are temporarily unable to deliver due to exceptional conditions that are beyond our control including hazardous weather and accidents.
  • The order payment authorisation fails